Also, for all student interested to work in my lab, I ask them
to read one of our recent papers,
summarize the mort improtant findings from their perspective,
explain why they think so,
and to point out which parts might benefit from more/different experiments (how the paper could be improved),
and which experiment the student would suggest to address this point.
If you are still interested, please read following paper and write a 1-2 pg document addressing the aforementioned points.
日本医学博士 日本医学博士申请 英国留学医学博士申请 英国医学留学博士申请 德国医学博士留学申请 德国医学博士申请 德国医学博士
如需了解更多留学资讯,请关注微信公众号:好予博士留学PhD (ID:haoyuabroad)